• 29 Mambilla street, off Aso drive, Three Arms Zone Abuja
  • info@deepbluetechnologies.net
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • January 27 2017
  • Deepblue Technologies

Challenges of Self Driving Cars

Self-driving cars promise to transform roadways. There’d be fewer traffic accidents and jams, say proponents, and greater mobility for people who can’t operate a vehicle. The cars could fundamentally change the way we think about getting around. The technology is already rolling onto American streets: Uber has introduced self-driving cabs in Pittsburgh and is experimenting […]

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  • May 11 2016
  • Deepblue Technologies

The race for the perfect personal assistant

Viv Labs CEO Dag Kittlaus on Monday demonstrated at Disrupt NY 2016 technology that was designed to make people-to-machine interactions as natural as people-to-people interactions. Kittlaus, the former CEO of Siri, and other Siri vets cofounded Viv in 2012. The artificial intelligence-enabled interface requires no user manual and can handle complex tasks via simple commands. […]

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  • April 12 2016
  • Deepblue Technologies

Self Driving Technology

Google’s Self-Driving Car Project and Fiat Chrysler last week announced that they would integrate autonomous vehicle technology into 2017 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivans as part of Google’s testing program. It is the first time Google has worked directly with a car manufacturer to integrate its self-driving technology into a passenger vehicle. It will add 100 […]

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  • March 22 2016
  • Deepblue Technologies

New battery that runs on pee!

Instead of just flushing it away, your pee could one day generate power. Researchers have developed a way to create affordable and renewable electricity with a fuel cell that runs on urine. The new device relies on natural biological processes of so-called electric bacteria, essentially living cells that eat and breathe electricity. “These electric bacteria […]

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  • February 9 2016
  • Deepblue Technologies

Limitations of AI

Artificial intelligence has had its share of ups and downs recently. In what was widely seen as a key milestone for artificial intelligence (AI) researchers, one system beat a former world champion at a mind-bendingly intricate board game. But then, just a week later, a “chatbot” that was designed to learn from its interactions with […]

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  • January 11 2016
  • Deepblue Technologies

The Data side of the Panama Leaks

The leak of more than 11.5 million documents from a law firm in Panama that specializes in creating off-shore tax havens for wealthy clients around the world is being dubbed an unprecedented event — the largest leak in history. More than 100 news outlets around the world have published material based on the so-called Panama […]

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